Category Archives: Gas Tankers

Even Superb materials as 254 SMO wear and tear, like today….

Even Superb materials as 254 SMO wear and tear, like today….

SMO254 is a high-alloy austenitic stainless steel developed for use in seawater and other aggressive chloride-bearing media. The steel is characterized by the following properties:

Excellent resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, PRE = ≥42.5*
High resistance to general corrosion
High resistance to stress corrosion cracking
Higher strength than conventional austenitic stainless steels
Good weldability

#scrubbers #egcs #superintendent #repairs #welding #duplexsteel #smo254 #superduplex #alloy59 #alloysteel #titanium #duplex

Checking the condition of your Scrubber

Checking the condition of your Scrubber unit is of utmost importance in the maintenance program of your ship. Ask me for a sample Scrubber Survey per mail at The Shipowner, Fleet manager, Chief Engineer or Technical management then really understands the value of doing this.

Our surveys are a perfect base line registration after commissioning, at the end of the warranty period and as a yearly inspection.

#Surfaceroughness #Scratches #Deepdamages #Sharpedges #Ferroxyltest #Spotcorrosion #Bluedots #Ferrouscontamination #Oxilysertest #Brownstains #Heatdiscoloration #Spraynozzles #Polished #Ferrousdust #Picklingpaste #Pitting #Weldingspatters #Imperfections #Weldingseams #Roughsurfaces #Passivitylevel